Stand Together & Rise Together

The Warrior Queens Keynote & Humanitarian Tour ~ September 2024

Empower A Girl ~ Donations

Want to Make a Difference in a Girl's Life?

By donating to Warrior Queens Rise, you can make a tangible difference in the lives of girls and women who are facing gender-based violence, lack access to essential feminine hygiene products, or suffer from the devastating effects of FGM. Your donation can provide crucial support for our programs, enabling us to provide education, empowerment, and resources to those who need it most.

With your contribution, we can continue to provide life-saving assistance, education, and support to those who are most vulnerable. Together, we can create a world where every child has a chance to thrive, every woman has the resources she needs, and no one has to face violence or discrimination. Donate today and be a part of the movement to uplift and empower women around the world. Your generosity can change lives.

We have some options available to help make a difference in a girl's life. Be sure to donate below!

Donate $10

Donate $25

Donate $50

Donate $100

Donate $250

Custom Donation

Want to Know How Much Impact your Donations Make?

Upgrading a Home

For a simple $1000 USD, a simple home made of clay and thatch gets a metal roof upgrade and repairs. This creates a safe and dry home for a girl so that she can show up for her family at work, school or just feel safe.

Creating Opportunity

For $250, a Manual Sewing Machine can be purchased, for $500 a Power Sewing Machine can be purchased. Either of these tools help a girl's tool kit to improve options ahead. We would help purchase these machines and teach the recipient how to utilize it to the fullest - for the improvement of their lives and their families.

Our Partnership with Ruby Cups:
A Commitment to Empowerment and Sustainability

We are beyond excited to announce our partnership with Ruby Cups, a brand that shares our vision for a better world. At Warrior Queens Rise, we believe menstrual hygiene is a fundamental human right, and every young girl deserves access to safe and sustainable menstrual products. Ruby Cups, the premium zero-waste product, has been making a positive impact since 2011 by donating one cup for every cup purchased. These cups, made from 100% medical-grade silicone and free from plastics, latex, toxins, and bleaches, are more than just products—they are symbols of dignity, health, and empowerment.

The struggle to access menstrual products is a harsh reality for countless girls in Kenya, forcing them to miss school and opportunities. But we have the power to change that! As part of the Warrior Queens Rise speaking tour, we’re on a mission to raise $6,500 to provide 500 Kenyan teens with Ruby Cups – a sustainable solution that will keep them safe, confident, and in the classroom. One donation can transform a life, but together, our impact will be unstoppable. Join us in this collective force for good by sharing and contributing to our GoFundMe campaign.

Together, we are on a mission to create a lasting, positive impact on the world. Join us on this incredible journey because when we rise, we rise together.

Let’s prove that when fierce women unite, barriers crumble, and change happens. Share, donate, and be part of this powerful movement to uplift and empower.

Make an Impact Today!

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Custom Donation

Stand Together & Rise Together

The Warrior Queens Keynote & Humanitarian Tour ~ September 2024